

Get the insight 和 context you need to detect intruder compromise, 内部威胁, 还有危险行为

坦率地想一下你的安全团队. (Don't worry, our lips are sealed—we're only inside your head, anyway.) Can they thoroughly investigate every alert they receive? 它们能可靠地检测到渗透测试吗... 现在? 如果你在摇头,别担心. It's not your team, it's your incident detection 和 response solution. 还有一个更好的选择.

看到, traditional incident detection solutions only alert on IP addresses, which makes it really hard to retrace the users 和 activity behind the alert. 没有上下文, every alert requires tedious threat validation 和 scoping, not to mention some serious sleuthing to piece together a complete story. 更糟糕的是? Intruders love masking as employees to gain access to your network—activity not caught by traditional monitoring. No wonder stolen creds have been the top attack vector behind corporate breaches for five years (Verizon Data Breach Investigations Reports).

用户行为分析(UBA), 也称为用户和实体行为分析(UEBA), 安全用户行为分析(SUBA), 和 User 和 Network Behavior Analytics (UNBA) is different. 用户行为分析 applies insight to the millions of network events your users generate every day to detect 妥协的凭证, 横向运动, 以及其他恶意行为. 


Get the context you need to reliably detect attacks with InsightIDR, 你一直想要的uba驱动的SIEM.



Analytics is an overused 和 oftentimes confusing term, especially when viewed in a security context. 其核心是, analytics solutions should discover meaningful patterns 和 insight without requiring the end user to have a data degree or “know what they don’t know.”

User behavior analytics uncovers those patterns 和 insight to identify evidence of intruder compromise, 内部威胁, 以及网络上的危险行为. 因为它关注的是行为, 而不是静态的威胁指标, UBA can find attacks that bypass threat intelligence 和 alert on malicious behavior earlier in the attack, giving security teams the time 和 context they need to quickly respond. The 范围 of detection includes attacks that don’t use 恶意软件 at all, 例如网络钓鱼, 妥协的凭证, 横向运动. 必不可少的东西, 尤其是考虑到今天的环境, 用户在ip之间无缝移动, 资产, 云服务, 移动设备.

How Rapid7 InsightIDR uses 用户行为分析 to accelerate Incident Detection 和 Response

Say goodbye to that sinking feeling that the bad guys are still inside your environment. Rapid7 InsightIDR is the only fully integrated detection 和 investigation solution that combines user behavior analytics with pre-built detections 和 intruder traps, enabling you to detect the top attack vectors behind breaches –妥协的凭证, 恶意软件, 和 phishing – earlier in the attack chain 和 from endpoint to cloud.

为什么insighttidr如此成功? 我们知道攻击者. 从我们红蓝队的经验来看, 包括Metasploit项目, 渗透测试服务, 事件响应服务, we've gotten to know the traces attackers leave behind 和 ask for those sources of data. 这就是为什么我们建造了蜜罐之类的入侵者陷阱, 亲爱的用户, 还有蜂蜜证书, which generate unique security data 和 provide high-fidelity indicators of malicious activity, 包括 网络流量扫描 以及密码猜测.

By integrating with your existing network 和 security stack, 包括直接使用云服务, we help you manage your expanding machine data while providing actionable security insight. And by correlating all activity on your ecosystem to the exact users 和 资产 involved, insighttidr使您能够快速验证, 范围, 和 investigate alerts to help you get from compromise to containment, 快.

InsightIDR ups the ante on user behavior analytics solutions in three big ways:

  • Detection is based on the attacker, not just math or identifying anomalies. insighttidr检测漏洞背后的顶级攻击向量, 以及表明妥协的行为.
  • 它在一个单一的解决方案中覆盖了整个生态系统. We provide deep coverage 和 integrations from endpoint to cloud, 因此,您可以花费更少的时间来追溯用户活动, 挖掘不同的日志文件, 翻阅点解.
  • 你可以忘记你不断增长的安全数据. InsightIDR’s secure cloud architecture means you don’t have to worry about or maintain your growing security data. And by automatically correlating all activity to the users 和 资产 behind them, investigations 和 searches across that dataset are 快 和 painless. 我们几乎可以帮你解决所有的问题 SIEM解决方案,范围从日志管理到遵从性报告.

Best of all, you’ll no longer have to manage hardware 和 tune detection rules to find attacks. 
