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网络漏洞扫描是识别计算机弱点的过程, 网络, 或其他可能成为威胁行为者利用目标的IT资产. 扫描您的环境以查找漏洞,从而通知您当前的风险状态, 你们安全措施的有效性, 以及通过漏洞补救来提高防御能力的机会.

Obtaining 和 deploying a 网络 vulnerability scanner is often the first step in creating a more proactive security program. 面对现代攻击者, it’s no longer enough to build high walls 和 wait out a siege; modern security programs have to identify the holes that they could exploit 和 seal them up before threat actors can take advantage. 网络漏洞扫描器可让您快速评估网络中的这些漏洞, 告诉你如何优先处理和纠正缺陷, 并为您的安全团队的整体成功和进步提供一个很好的晴雨表.


脆弱性 scanning is inclusive of several tools working together to provide maximum visibility 和 insight across your 网络. 这些工具包括: 

  • 端点代理:从整个网络的端点收集数据. 单个代理可以连续监视漏洞、事件并收集日志数据. 
  • Cloud 和 virtual infrastructure scanning: Extend visibility beyond physical infrastructure 和 ensure you're securely configuring everything across the 网络. 
  • Compliance upkeep: Pre-built scan templates enable out-of-the-box visibility into your organization's compliance with regulatory st和ards specific to your industry.

The ability to fully scan your 网络 is critical to efficient vulnerability detection 和 remediation, 以及保持良好的声誉.


There are many great reasons to continuously perform vulnerability scans across your 网络, 但扫描的类型可以有所不同. 例如, discovery scans are usually performed quickly 和 typically focus on system discovery 和 any TCP/UDP ports that may be open. 

然后是未经身份验证的扫描和经过身份验证的扫描. 未经身份验证的变种执行详细枚举, 其中可以包括DNS解析, 操作系统类型, 服务运行. 此方法不需要凭据就可以对发现的系统执行扫描. 

Authenticated scans leverage credentials to log into systems 和 perform even more specific enumeration. 这包括软件漏洞, 系统配置问题, 以及监管框架的基准,比如 独联体, NIST等等. 





The key features of a 网络 vulnerability scanner should work together to scan the entirety of your IT infrastructure 和 identify potential weaknesses that can be exploited. 要做到这一点,扫描器应该(至少)具有以下功能:

  • 不影响网络可用性或性能的扫描调度
  • 全面扫描是基于最详尽的 已知漏洞列表
  • Adaptability 和 scalability to your unique 网络 architecture—this extends to your cloud-based 和 containerized assets
  • 识别对您的环境最大、最严重的威胁
  • Prioritization 和 risk analysis that better informs your strategy for remediating vulnerabilities 和 reporting on progress

The scan coverage of a 网络 vulnerability scanner is crucial to not want to miss any vulnerabilities left open to attack due to blind spots. 这扩展到扫描器对零日漏洞的响应和覆盖范围. 在让供应商参与概念验证(POC)过程时,请记住这一点, 这就引出了下一个问题.


Every company’s 网络 is different; it’s important to implement a vulnerability scanner that can intelligently scan everything from PCI environments to hospitals with minimal configuration 和 manual adjustment. 这也意味着您的网络漏洞扫描器必须非常准确, with a robust set of vulnerability checks against every major flavor of software 和 operating system. 有时,这也扩展到更深奥的系统,如SCADA控制.

Most commercial 网络 vulnerability scanners do a good job of keeping up with the latest vulnerability checks; often, 决定一个项目成功与否的是接下来发生的事情. 网络扫描工具 enable you to prioritize thous和s of vulnerabilities across different types of devices 和 different segments of your 网络. 这对于确保您的团队尽可能高效至关重要, 因为你永远不可能修复每一个漏洞. 一旦完成, you have to get the information to the right people; it’s critical that your 网络 vulnerability scanner has the ability to easily show remediation steps to the people responsible for remediation. Executive level reporting can show management how you’re improving your company’s security over time.


Rapid7 InsightVM is the leading 网络 vulnerability scanner for protecting today’s modern IT environment. 那么,InsightVM如何为您的风险态势提供无与伦比的可见性呢, 与其它扫描解决方案相比?

  • InsightVM integrates with your IT infrastructure to more quickly 和 efficiently identify changes in your 网络. 这包括, 但不限于, 通过DHCP方式动态发现资产, 发现与 云服务提供商,以及使用Insight Agent对远程资产进行评估.
  • InsightVM is the only 网络 vulnerability scanner that can identify your internet-facing assets (both known 和 unknown) by integrating with Project Sonar, a Rapid7 research project that regularly scans the public internet to gain insights into global exposure to common vulns.
  • InsightVM is also the only 网络 vulnerability scanner that automatically prioritizes vulnerabilities based on a combination of CVSS score, 可利用性, 恶意软件的接触, 脆弱年龄. This helps you weed through thous和s of results to focus on the vulnerabilities most likely to be used in an actual attack.
  • InsightVM集成了40多种其他领先技术, allowing you to amplify vulnerability scan data into larger security initiatives across the 网络.
  • InsightVM has customizable reporting 和 Live Dashboards to make it easy for the right people to get relevant information, whether its detailed remediation reports for your system administrators or custom compliance dashboards for your 独联体O.


我们的网络漏洞扫描器, InsightVM, 在高德纳(Gartner)和弗雷斯特(Forrester)等分析师的排名中名列前茅,并在Insight云平台上运行, 使得创建一个 脆弱性管理 扫描程序. 无论您是小型家族企业还是财富100强企业, InsightVM可以适应您的环境. It uses multiple vulnerability checks 和 credentialed vulnerability scanning to ensure that our results are as accurate as possible across your dynamic 和 diverse IT environment.

InsightVM is trusted by organizations from major retailers to nuclear power plants 和 hospitals. 为什么? It’s designed to easily 和 accurately identify what assets are being scanned 和 how to best scan 和 protect those assets with minimal input from end users.

不确定您是否有能力自己部署网络漏洞扫描程序? Rapid7提供 部署服务 和 training to help you set up your entire 脆弱性管理 process from scanning to remediation instruction. You can also let us hop into the driver’s seat with our 漏洞管理 service.

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