Rapid7 InsightVM在云端为Heartland Dental提供价值


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About Heartland Dental

20多年来,哈特兰牙科一直走在美国牙科的前沿.S. Founded in 1997 by Rick Workman, DMD, it is now the largest dental support organization in the country, 提供非临床行政支援服务的人数超过1人,700 dentists across 38 states. Director of Infrastructure and Information Security, Josh Gilmore, leads the company’s IT security team, which also includes Senior Security Engineer, Ross Petty.


In today’s environment, 以医疗保健为重点的公司是网络罪犯的诱人目标,他们希望通过勒索软件和数据盗窃来赚钱. In fact, 仅去年一年,垂直行业就发生了500多起数据泄露事件,涉及500多条记录,比2018年增长了196%, according to a HIPAA Journal report. 这些担忧是Heartland Dental IT安全团队最关心的问题, 谁勤奋工作以确保他们的数据得到最佳保护.


InsightVM is Rapid7’s flagship vulnerability risk management solution, providing comprehensive visibility into local, remote, cloud, containerized, and virtual infrastructure via the lightweight Insight Agent. It unites disparate teams around a single source of truth, 使他们能够将漏洞转化为业务风险,并更有效地确定优先级.

Looking For A Better Solution

Heartland Dental在其安全协议中有主要的HIPAA合规性要求. Historically, 这使得它的大部分IT基础设施保持在本地,但近年来越来越多, 该公司考虑了云迁移以及保持安全性和合规性的好处, according to Gilmore. This led to investments in Office 365, as well as Azure and AWS.

As part of these broad digital transformation efforts, IT团队意识到其当前的漏洞管理工具不再适合其目的. 它所使用的遗留的Tenable解决方案过于手动且容易出错.


“我们需要一个精确的解决方案,因为我们将从漏洞管理程序中报告业务kpi和度量. We knew we couldn't do that with the legacy solution.”

A proof-of-concept process was triggered and, 我已经用了几年的Rapid7,包括Nexpose和Metasploit Pro, Gilmore shortlisted InsightVM. Additionally, Insight云平台因其清晰的产品路线图和易用性而吸引人.

佩蒂说:“哈特兰牙科公司专注于提高我们流程和系统的效率. “So, whenever we're evaluating products and vendors, 我们必须确保它适合团队,它将有助于优化我们的工作量,同时帮助我们提供更大的安全性.”

Rapid Time To Value

During Heartland’s combined POC and penetration test, InsightVM立即发现了现有遗留解决方案遗漏的可能漏洞.Gilmore和Petty同意继续使用InsightVM,并且代理的部署是无缝的,这是至关重要的,因为COVID-19即将迫使全国分散的组织进行大规模远程工作.

“With the COVID situation, 我们知道我们无法通过vpn进行基于网络的扫描来获取数据,” says Petty. “因此,我们做的第一件事就是部署Insight Agent. 这对我们来说是一个巨大的胜利,因为我们能够无限制地向公司员工提供代理,让他们在家工作.“利用他们现有的微软SCCM部署流程, Heartland Dental deployed thousands of agents across 1,000+ locations and scanned 42,000 assets in no time at all.

InsightVM已经对组织的安全管理产生了积极的影响. Aside from helping to mitigate cyber-risk among remote workers, 扫描本身的可靠性以及直观的报告和仪表板功能是一个巨大的胜利. 它还通过标记暴露系统的所有者,并为他们提供第三方风险评分和明确的补救路径,帮助集中不同团队的思想.

现在,每月召开一次记分卡会议,召集IT领导层根据风险评分来查看他们的顶级资产,并制定战略计划,以降低这些评分,并解决影响公司最关键资产的任何问题. 这些改进的累积效果已经帮助Gilmore使组织的IT安全计划成熟起来.

“报告和导出为PDF或CSV使我们能够为信息安全团队和漏洞管理生命周期建立更强大的仪表板,” Gilmore explains. “我们能够向IT领域及其他领域的其他人展示可能存在的漏洞,并展示我们在补救这些漏洞方面取得的进展.”

Securing Their Digital Transformation And Application Layer

As for the future, Heartland Dental is planning to deploy InsightAppSec, Rapid7’s dynamic application security testing (DAST) offering. Scanning cloud and on-premises environments, 它会自动分析web应用程序以识别SQL注入等漏洞, XSS, and CSRF, whilst offering powerful reporting for compliance and remediation. 该组织需要一种工具,可以扫描关键任务的内部web服务器和面向外部的web服务器.

“We develop a lot of internal applications. 我们真正关注的一件事是面向患者的技术, 允许患者访问支持的牙科诊所网站并安排他们的预约或完成各种其他与患者相关的活动,” explains Gilmore. “所以,扫描那些对外开放的api或网络服务器将是关键.”

随着疫情加速数字化转型和以患者为中心的在线体验, Heartland Dental is clearly at the cutting edge of progress. As the company has ably demonstrated, 他们正在为他们支持的牙科诊所和整个公司创造世界级的安全保障.

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